Aesop & Business: Evil Wishes, Like Chickens, Come Home To Roost

The Bee and Jupiter

A BEE from Mount Hymettus, the queen of the hive, ascended to

Olympus to present Jupiter some honey fresh from her combs.

Jupiter, delighted with the offering of honey, promised to give

whatever she should ask.  She therefore besought him, saying,

“Give me, I pray thee, a sting, that if any mortal shall approach

to take my honey, I may kill him.”  Jupiter was much displeased,

for he loved the race of man, but could not refuse the request

because of his promise.  He thus answered the Bee:  “You shall

have your request, but it will be at the peril of your own life.

For if you use your sting, it shall remain in the wound you make,

and then you will die from the loss of it.”

“Evil wishes, like chickens, come home to roost.”

Be careful with evil intentions, as they will quite often come back to haunt you.  In the business world, this could be anything from stabbing someone in the back, to talking behind their back, and then suddenly finding yourself on their team again.  Or, it could represent you wishing someone would get fired, or rejoicing over someone else’s demise, only to find yourself with a pink slip in your hand a short time later.  Take this advice:  If you have time to spend on evil intentions, then your competition is probably working harder than you.  Focus, Strategize, Execute…Repeat.  That is all you should do, day in and day out.

About Todd Hagopian (@ToddHagopian)

Todd Hagopian received his BA from Eastern Michigan University with a major in Political Science. After graduation, he worked as a Financial Advisor and a Bank Manager before returning to school. He attended Michigan State University, where he completed an MBA with a double-major in Finance and Marketing. Todd is now a Senior Product Development Manager for a Fortune 500 company. He frequently writes about business issues, social media strategy, and political issues that he finds important. Enjoy the blog!

Posted on December 2, 2011, in Aesop's Fables & Business, Business Strategy and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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